Congratulations! You now have and/or belong to a diverse and global team. But are you able to express your opinions freely without feeling judge? How about trust?

Diversity is a great starting point but unfortunately is not enough if you want to take the best of out a diverse and global team. If people do not feel safe and motivated to be fully engaged at work the benefits of diversity are lost. 

Although a preliminary step towards inclusion, diversity, unfortunately, does not necessarily bring Inclusion and belonging. While those efforts need to be intentional, Inclusion’s efforts require that those intentions are consciously implemented by all the parties involved. Inclusion denotes a sense of belonging, and the feeling of being seen, heard, respected, and valued in the workplace so that we can contribute to the fullest.

We know it’s not easy!  Time and effort is needed to examine unconscious bias, counteract/reject stereotypes, and avoid prejudicial behavior. It is only after you invest the time and effort to learn about one another, including our cultural preferences, that we are able to discover the similarities and shared experiences that allowed us to connect and build trust. Expressing ourselves freely as well as engaging in authentic communication that allows, recognizes, and values differences among members of the team are key for creating an inclusive climate.


Adapta helps you foster an inclusive climate and a sense of belongingness in your multicultural/global team where you and your team would be able to:

  • Increase creativity and innovation by benefiting from all the different points of views and ideas of your multicultural/global team by expressing themselves freely.

  • Higher levels of employee engagement and a positive work environment

  • Better team’s performance which in turn will increase revenue growth

At Adapta, we believe that real and authentic intercultural connections will help you (and all of us!) grow personally and professionally expanding our world.


Customized Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Programs designed for Global Teams Leaders managing multicultural staff, managers, and HR professionals seeking professional development:

What’s next: Beyond Unconscious Bias Training

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

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Leverage your Intercultural Competencies to promote an Inclusive Climate

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Intercultural Competence: 

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